Ronald Ddungu

Day 23-26: Community Education Garden – “Why Do Children Drop Out Of School”?

This week we have embarked on a discussion about our main objective of reducing on the rate at which children drop out of school in Uganda.Uganda is said to have the highest school dropout rate in East Africa- Starting with our own members undertaking this project we want to make sure that they all […]

Day 23-26: Community Education Garden – “Why Do Children Drop Out Of School”? Read More »

Day 16: Community Education Garden; Looking Backwards To Our Cultures For A Forward Move.

Today we continued with our Nutrition programme where we follow up the food from the garden to the table. We had chance to learn from two of our parents and one teacher all members of the Gayaza High School fraternity about the traditional foods from Eastern Uganda. It was a joy to learn how to

Day 16: Community Education Garden; Looking Backwards To Our Cultures For A Forward Move. Read More »

Fighting A Bean Fly Attack

Disease/pest Attack Record Pest Name: Bean fly or bean stem maggot Vector: Housefly Symptoms ·         Yellow blotches on the leaves ·         Swelling and splitting of the stem ·         Development of adventitious roots due to reduced number of lateral roots ·          Maggots (yellow in color) and pupae (brown or black in color) can often be seen

Fighting A Bean Fly Attack Read More »

Day 14: Community Education Garden. How We Spent The Last Day Of 2013

The children had learnt how to create compost and brought from home bags full of decomposable materials. This showed me that the youth can put a lot of energy into any learning that makes sense to them. I wish the science teacher had conducted similar lessons while they were in school. Such lessons could have

Day 14: Community Education Garden. How We Spent The Last Day Of 2013 Read More »