Gayaza High School

Day 11: Community Education Garden

Not a hot day again! The rains have completely disappeared as if to teach us the real challenges faced by the farmers. This is a good time for us to learn the real issues in farming. Luckily enough we still have the supportive hands from Gayaza High School farm who have continued to lend us their water tank and we use almost 3,000 litres a day. Of course as we progress with watering daily this amount will decrease and we pray that we receive at least one day of rain.


The plants are beginning to come out of the garden and many are excited and to their amusement we have labeled and named their plots with each one’s name. I did not know that small things like these could motivate the children but ownership of a plot is the driving factor. This confirms to me that even in our big organisations, the employees look out for their ownership of parts even when it is for a short while and if found then their commitment increases.Image

In the afternoon we went back to the Gayaza High School computer centre to practice our computer skills. Our objective was to type our garden journals and share our stories with the whole world and this we achieved. The children seemed to have been practicing their skills as they all typed at such a good pace and some even ventured into producing power point slides. We hope to build these skills further because they will support the children greatly in future.




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