Gayaza High School

From Gayaza to Kazakhstan

On 18th August 2023, seven (7) students from GHS in the company of two other teams; one from Kings College Buddo and the other from Mengo senior School, travelled to Kazakhstan to participate in the Annual International Young Naturalists Tournament (IYNT) 2023. THE UNIQUE GAINSThe structure and format of IYNT is unique. Our students journeyed through the rigorous process of formulating hypotheses, designing and executing experiments to test their hypotheses and analysing the results obtained. They crafted meticulous scientific reports, communicating complex findings with precision and clarity. The IYNT has empowered our students to face the rigors of defending their hypotheses from all angles of critique; a skill that often eludes even seasoned researchers.In an era marked by information abundance and complexity, the ability to dissect, debate and defend one’s scientific perspectives with clarity is a transformative asset. Our students have emerged as agile thinkers, adept at tackling multifaceted challenges that transcend the boundaries of any one discipline.SUSTAINABILITYWhile IYNT has undoubtedly sown the seeds excellence, its crucial to recognize that the cultivation of these skills requires ongoing effort and dedication to ensure they flourish over time and maintain their vibrancy. The Science club will continue encouraging the students to seek out challenges that prompt them to apply their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, as well as apply these skills in all spheres of life.THE TEAM’S PERFORMANCEThe GHS team (Beta) scaled through to the first stage of the break rounds – a remarkable feat that stands out as the strongest country representation to date. In honor of this exceptional achievement, SOFU will be presenting medals to the team, in addition to the certificates and gifts that they received in Almaty.Though Victory may have eluded us, the IYNT journey itself is a triumph of growth, resilience and unwavering dedication. I believe that the seeds planted during the IYNT will flourish into a tapestry of achievements, contributing to a future that is brighter, more informed and connected.APPRECIATIONI would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the School Administration, Board of Governors and parents, for the pivotal role they played in making the IYNT 2023 a reality. Their support enabled the team to navigate the INYT without any incident. May the Good Lord continually bless you all!



Gyaviira Marie Goretti

Patron Science Club

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