Ms Sheelah Warren

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the death of our beloved former Headmistress, Miss Sheelagh Warren who passed on to glory on, Sunday – 29th May 2022 in the United Kingdom.

• Miss Sheelagh Warren was Headmistress of Gayaza High School for 18 years (1972 – 1990) steering the school through Uganda\’s most turbulent times.

• Miss Warren is greatly remembered for composing the Gayaza High School Anthem.

• In recognition of her distinguished service at the school, the Warren Computer Center was named after her.

Miss Warren was a true Missionary that continued to have a heart for Gayaza long after she left.

Her faith in God immensely impacted the girls that went through her care and nurturing.

We thank the Good Lord for her life, the contribution to Gayaza and girl-child education at large..

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