2015 Senior 1 Vegetable Gardens

It is exciting to see how youngsters are very interested in Agriculture and our duty is to sustain this interest. We shall use this space to follow up on this project for the next six months.

Many writers have highlighted the fact that the graduates of our education system today lack the basic life skills such as; Creativity, Team working, Problem-solving skills, Taking calculated risks, and confronting risk, Communication skills, Assertiveness, Leadership, Critical thinking, Self-confidence and are not empowered to start their own businesses if the jobs cannot come by. It is also true that many of our youth today have run out of the villages to come to towns to look for jobs and when they cannot find any they get involved in bad behaviours such as; drug abuse, sex workers and many end up as street thugs.
We propose that a school can empower the students with all these basic life skills through a programme that takes the students out of their classrooms and learn basic agricultural skills as they work within the school farm units or work with farmers in their community. However these programmes must be integrated within the formal curriculum areas for sustainability.


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