Gayaza High School

Rules and Regulations

Gayaza High School  follows the Anglican way of worship and all students are expected to attend all school chapel services. Roman Catholics, Moslems and Seventh Day Adventists are officially catered for to ensure they develop in their spiritual well-being. All prayers take place in the School Chapel and no student is expected to create another prayer place without the permission of the Headmistress. Students should not take on the responsibility of praying for each other for cleansing or healing, breach if this regulation may result into expulsion.

These rules and regulations are to help all at Gayaza High School i.e. staff, parents and students to achieve the National Objectives and have the future leaders properly nurtured. Because these girls are not yet adults, they are still in the process of developing a value system based on established morals and social codes of society.

The ultimate aim of Gayaza High School is to produce all round educated girls who are literate, skillful, confident, have self-respect and are God fearing in order for them to live in the present society in comfort.

The rules are grouped into the following;

  • Academics
  • Prep
  • Dormitory Rules
  • Visiting
  • Emergencies
  • Visitors
  • Going out of school (Exeats)
  • Health
  • Property
  • Dining Room
  • Uniform
  • Reporting Back to School
  • General Behavior

The full copy of the school rules and regulations is included in the documents recieved on the admission date.