Gayaza High School

Review of Wasted Beauty

Gayaza High School, Readers Table.
Christian greetings from the English language/ Literature Departments of Gayaza High School. We take pride in promoting readership amongst our students especially in S.1 and S.2. We believe that a great foundation in reading is built in these classes to create a reader for life. Our students are introduced to the Readers Table where they meet a selection of novels, plays, self- help books and a variety of reading activities. Students are challenged to create a readers footprint to keep track of their reading capacity. It is all fun and enjoyment while learning. Please enjoy Kendra Kansiime’ s piece as she reviews ‘ The Wasted Beauty’ by Jerry Sessanga. Be blessed.
Mrs. Juliet Kavuma; H.O.D English Department and Patron Readers Club

Kendra Katusiime with other Dubai trip winners in 2019



The novel ‘The Wasted Beauty’ is as fascinating as its title; it raises curiosity right from the onset. The story is set in a city called Modena where the writer describes and paints a clear picture of the slum area of Modena where the main character Angel was born and raised.
Angel is a beautiful and clever girl raised by a single poor mother with four siblings. Unlike her four siblings, Angel is the last born from a different father and she was different in that she was naturally beautiful, likeable and intelligent. These attributes about her attracted sponsors for her education quite early and this gave hope to her mother that Angel was her dream child unlike her struggling siblings. Angel equally hated slum life; she loved school and promised to do her best to excel.
As Angel approached the adolescent stage, she made friends who made her aware of her striking beauty and she gradually started minding her looks more than books. She started getting attracted to boys and even when her mother started to worry about her change in behavior, Angel chose to lie and remained unbothered. Sooner than later, Angel started realizing that not all that glitters is gold when she fell in love with an old man who gave her the good life. It gets more intriguing when she gets pregnant to the disappointment of her mother.
The novel is very captivating and full of excitement at the same time sadness and disappointments. It depicts realistic situations in our daily lives and each chapter has its own surprises and lessons to learn. The writer uses a detailed narrative, which raises nostalgic emotions and yet makes it more interesting.
There are several learning lessons throughout the novel as the author clearly depicts the causes and consequences of people’s choices and behavior though his narrative.
For instance, at one point, the author quoted Angel loudly expressing her thoughts; ‘I wish I had continued with my senior one spirit and focus. What is my beauty giving to me now? Where are those who said I am beautiful, whom should I blame apart from myself?’
Therefore, I challenge fellow students, parents and teachers to read this book especially the youth as it will equip them with several life lessons, for example; to be God fearing, to value their education, to learn from their mistakes, respect advice from their parents and teachers, not to be taken up by worldly pleasures and to work hard so as to secure their future and avoid regrets later in life.

The review was featured by MixaTeens on their Facebook page:

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