


Remodeled in 2018, the dining hall was originally built in the 1970\’s. Over the years as the number of students increased it was expanded to what it is now.

Quick Facts
Name – Victoria Kisarale Serunkuuma Hall
Alias – Dining
Built – 1970
Remodeled – 2017
Capacity – 1,800


Corby house, one of the oldest dormitories in Gayaza High School was named after the Headmistress Nancy Corby, who preceded Joan Cox in 1963. She was the last one to be head of Junior School.

Previously Gayaza Junior and Gayaza High School were one school, until 1962 when the secondary section was started with Joan Cox as its first headmistress.

The house has both the junior and senior blocks. The junior block has 8 rooms 2 of which are prefects’ rooms while the senior block has 12 rooms and 1 belongs to the sitting house prefect.

The residents of this house are known as \”Corbians\” with Blue as their theme color.

Prior to the building of the modern chapel in the centre  of the  compound, the small mud and thatch chapel behind and to the left of the HM\\\’s house was used for morning and  evening prayer.

On Sundays the whole school went to the Luganda service of Morning Prayer in the village church.  Confirmed girls went to Holy Communion there on the first Sunday of each month. The few Roman Catholic girls attended their church in Gayaza village.

The completion  of  the new chapel in 1963 made it possible to have English Language services which, although still basically Morning or Evening Prayer or Holy  Communion  from the  Prayer  Book,  were  made  more  suitable for adolescent girls.  Services were taken by  a  variety  of  English  and Ugandan  priests  who  came  from  Kampala or Mukono, and by members of staff.

By  1967, there  were  two  services  in the  chapel  every Sunday, junior and  senior;  but  the  services had  become optional  by  1969, so then  there was only one, and in the 70\\\’s difficulties with transport  and  insecurity meant  we could only have morning services.

Bible  studies  were  not  confined  to girls; a flourishing staff fellowship developed as more Ugandans joined the staff and the natural CMS fellowship merged into it. As more staff children got to Sunday school age, many not Luganda speaking, we  began  a  staff  children\\\’s   Sunday   school, following  the morning service, open to Kabanyolo and other friends as well. The    pattern  of Holy Week – beginning with a procession on Palm Sunday; then plays  on incidents  in  Holy Week  from Monday  to  Wednesday;  Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday; a midday Meditation on Good Friday with a Passion Play in the evening; singing by the choir at 4.30 a.m.  on Easter Day;  a service of  Holy Communion and an evening service of Carols and/or an Easter play – has continued and developed as more and more often Easter has fallen in term time.

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