End Of Week One: Community Education Garden

Day 5 passed unnoticed since it was still very wet and we could not do any work in the gardens. The rains in the past two days made it extremely hard for us to do any planting of seeds apart from the dodo we badly need to have in the next two weeks. The children continued with the development of their agri-play trying to creatively act out the activities within the garden on stage. We got another donation of clothes, slippers and basins and we took off time to wash these clean.



Over the weekend we concentrated on making the security walls of the gardens and thanks to the person who grew the bamboo forest at Gayaza High School. This is a resource that has existed for several years without anyone looking after it. We have cut some bamboo trees from here to support our garden fence. I understand bamboo can be used for several other activities and a number of its products are very expensive on the market. May be Gayaza needs to pay more attention to this forest because there are just a few of such forests left in the central region of Uganda.


Read more about the beauty of bamboo trees;

The bamboo nursery garden- http://www.bamboogarden.com

1000 things made from Bamboo- http://www.guaduabamboo.com/uses-of-bamboo.html


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