School Farm Camp

Theme: Empowering the Youth to Practice Scientific Approaches in Agriculture as an Entrepreneurship Venture Within Their Schools and Communities.
Gayaza High School organised a five-day farm camp which brought together 162 students and 53 teachers across the country to have an opportunity to live a life of an entrepreneurial farmer. Volunteer facilitators were drawn from the National Animal Genetic Resource Center and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB), National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), Namulonge Crop Resources research Institute (NaCRRI),National Livestock Resources Research Institute(NaLIRRI), Agricultural Engineering and Appropriate Technology Research Centre(AEATREC)-Kawanda, Makerere University Kampala (MUK) and parents.
The objectives included;
1. To train the youth in scientific approaches to improved nutrition of Livestock and to follow the value chain processes involved.
2. To introduce the youth to crop-livestock integration so as to enhance food security and nutrition in schools and within small holder farms in the communities.
3. To propose recommendations and develop action plans for integrating farming within the curriculum in schools as a strategy towards youth entrepreneurship.
The camp was officially opened on 9th Aug. 2014, by the South Korean Ambassador- His Excellence Park Jong-Dae. He stressed the need for schools to allow the students to engage in more practical activities so as to develop an all round personality. He applauded the camp organisers and encouraged participants to engage in “Bulungi Bwansi”- working for the good of the community through diligence, self-help and cooperation.
The Farm activities focused on four main farm units; Diary, Poultry, Crop, and Animal nutrition and Biogas production.
The participants worked rotationally in four groups A, B, C and D within the period of the camp.

In the Dairy Unit, the participants took part in;
• calf management,
• proper milking procedure,
• taking temperatures of cows,
• measuring the cow’s body weight by body circumference,
• Artificial Insemination, pregnancy Diagnosis and Spraying cattle.
Facililated by Dr. Dan Semambo and other veterinary doctors from NAGRC&DB.

Bio-gas as green heat
Bio-gas as green heat

In the bio-gas unit, participants collected and mixed the dung to feed the digester; learnt the science involved up to production of fire and light; that the slurry can be used as manure, and the green energy produced saves on fuel costs and conserves the environment. Facilitated by Dr. Eng. Florence Lubwama Kiyimba and staff from Green Heat Company.

Bio-gas as green heat
Bio-gas as green heat

In the poultry unit, the participants took part in;
• raising day-old chicks up to one month,
• vaccination,
• cleaning the feeders and drinkers, and putting the grit in feeders,
• weighing the birds and preparation of the birds for laying.
Facilitated by Dr. Jackson Mubiru, Dr. Amina Namwabira , Dr. Linda Judith and other NAGRC&DB staff.

In the crop unit, participants took part in;
• vegetable growing,
• banana plantation management,
• green house farming,
• the use of organic manure obtained from livestock units to enhance production.
Facilitated by Dr. Robinah Ssonko, Dr. James Okiror, Dr. Wilson Okiror, Mr. Asaph Kyambadde and Mr. Zachariah Kiwanuka.

Vegetable harvesting
Vegetable harvesting


In the Animal nutrition unit, the focus of the training was on silage and hay making. The participants took part in;
• harvesting and chopping maize plants using chuff – cutters;
• packing silage in plastic tubes.
• Identifying different types of grasses that can be used in making hay
• preparing the hay box,
• compacting and firmly tying the hay bales.
Facilitated by Dr. Abdunashir Galiwango and Ms. Agnes Namagembe.

Making silage
Making silage
Silage making
Silage making


On Sunday 10th August 2014 the participants toured various model farms in four groups so as to appreciate the value of farming as an entrepreneurial venture. The farms included;
• Njeru Government Stock Farm where a proper nutrition programme for livestock was showcased. Dr. Dan Semambo, Executive Director NAGRC & DB emphasized their commitment to support schools in improving their livestock farms.

Silage tubes
Silage tubes
Hay harvester
Hay harvester

• Kitare Dairy farm in Mukono where yoghurt production as a value addition process was explained by Mr. Joesh Sendege the proprietor and a re-known lawyer.

Harvesting fodder
Harvesting fodder
Enjoying Yoghurt
Enjoying Yoghurt

• Kyakuwa Farm in Seguku where Dr. Kabirizi, a Principal Research Officer and Forage scientist working with NaLLIRI showcased Livestock management technologies for increased production within a small urban setting. Dr. Loyce Okedi, Director NaLLIRI donated a EAAPP handbook to each school to enable them acquire recently developed technologies on livestock.

Dr. Kabirizi's farm
Dr. Kabirizi’s farm
Busy studying
Busy studying

• Entebbe Livestock Experimentation Station where breeding and extensive management of the Kuroiler was explained by Dr. Jackson Mubiru, Director Rural Poultry Development Institute NAGRC.

Visiting the poultry unit
Visiting the poultry unit
Visiting team
Visiting team

• Animal Care Centre Farm on Entebbe road where fish farming, proper banana garden management, piggery management, Biogas and hydroponic fodder gardening were learnt guided by Dr. Emma Naluyima Mugerwa .

Fish farming
Fish farming
Growing Onions in sand
Growing Onions in sand

• The Bioscience Laboratory at the National Crop Resource Research Institute (NaCRRI)- Namulonge where agricultural products development and Seed generation for the farmers is carried out.
• Gudie Leisure Farm in Kira where farming is integrated with activities like; jogging, swinging, sport fishing and bicycle riding. 10 year old Bob Basaza and Dr. Gudula Naiga Basaza, an ICT specialist were the facilitators.

Inspirational speakers included; Colonel Felix Kulaigye, Hon. Amanya Mushega, Dr. Chibeta from Malawi. These were coordinated by Hon. Victoria Sekitoleko founder, Speakers Forum.
The camp also had a mindset change session facilitated by Mr. Charles Ocici, Executive Director Enterprise Uganda specifically organised to enable individuals move from theory to practice.

Mr.Ocici delivering a talk on Mindset change.
Mr.Ocici delivering a talk on Mindset change.

At the closing ceremony on Monday 11th August 2014, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries was represented by the Director Animal resources, Dr. Nicholas Kauta who gave an insight on the various career opportunities in the Agricultural sector. The camp was officially closed by Prof. George Mondo Kagonyera, Chancellor Makerere University. He emphasized the need to engage in scientific methods to agriculture in order to produce enough food for a family and for sale. He reminded the participants to act as role models within their communities and create change using the knowledge acquired within the camp.

The Guest of Honor Signing the Guest book
The Guest of Honor Signing the Guest book
Prof. Kagonyera's speach
Prof. Kagonyera’s speach

In evaluating the camp, participants liked the hands on nature of activities, the inspirational talks, field trips to other farms and the fact that they were occupied all the time. They noted that agro-forestry was missing on the programme. As a way forward they recommended that information be passed on to all students and teachers that had not attended the camp. Head teachers of the participating schools should be invited to participate in a farm camp and that such camps should be organized at different schools.

T-shirts donated by UHMG
T-shirts donated by UHMG

The camp was sponsored by contributions from attending schools, Paule Moeller Foundation, Epsilon (U) Ltd, Stanbic Bank, Jesa Farm, Uganda Health Marketing Group, and Gayaza High School.

It was unanimously agreed that it becomes an annual event and the date for the next camp are August 7th – 14th 2015.

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