Robinah Kizito New Headmistress

GHS received a new Headteacher on 10th October 2019, in a ceremony that was attended by all stakeholders. The ceremony was overseen by the D.E.O Wakiso district, Mr Fredrick Kiyingi who thanked the Ag. Headteacher Mrs. Agatha Ssenyonjo for heading the school in the interim. Mr. Kiyingi advised teachers to accord the new Headteacher all the necessary support and encouraged everyone to do their job and avoid getting into unnecessary wrangles. The incoming Headteacher was handed the School, Staff and students in the presence of the representatives from the founding body- Namirembe Diocese, Board of Governors(B.O.G), Ministry of Education and Sports, Gayaza Old Girls Association(GOGA) and Parents Teachers Association(P.T.A).

The outgoing Headteacher thanked the staff and stakeholders for giving her an opportunity to lead the School and thanked the teachers for the wonderful teamwork and encouraged them to give support to the new Headteacher.

The in-coming Headteacher, Mrs Kizito thanked everyone for the warm reception and felt  good coming back home since she was a deputy to Mrs Kisarale Victoria up to 2014. She rallied for everyone’s support as she strengthens and upholds GHS values.

The PTA Chairperson, Dr. Rose Kaggwa, thanked Agatha and welcomed Robinah. She asked everyone to give support to Robinah and promised full support of the PTA.

GOGA Chairperson Mrs Rebecca Ssabaganzi thanked Agatha for the job well-done and asked everyone to keep nurturing the values and uphold what is cherished for now and generations to come.

BOG Chairperson Mrs. Sarah Barbara Mayanja rallied for everyone’s support and promised full BOG support to Robina and wished her well as she starts the new journey.

Mrs Alfred Kyaaka, the assistant commissioner Secondary education thanked all stakeholders and reminded teachers that they are in GHS to serve and hence total obedience is expected to the new Headteacher. He asked teachers not to engage in any subversive activities and warned teachers not to put Agatha on any pressure. He encouraged teachers to operate like a chain and avoid clogging the system. He was optimistic that we will work hard to move GHS to greater heights.

The Bishop was represented by Venerable D.K Buwembo from the Education department and Rev. Ssemukoteka.  Rev. Buwembo asked for togetherness and promised the Church’s support towards to the new Headteacher. He asked everyone to work towards raising the school banner and wished Robinah all the best in her new role.

The Director of Studies Mr. James Kamusiime on behalf of teachers thanked everyone and was grateful that the issue had been settled. He thanked all the efforts behind it and reminded all the we should cherish the school when it excels and therefore work as a team.

The Headgirl, Ms. Kirsten Tendo on behalf of the students welcomed the new Headteacher and thanked the administration and Mrs Ssenyonjo in particular for holding fort in the period of transition. She thanked all stakeholders for supporting the school and inspiring the students during the ceremony. She pledged support on behalf of the student body to work with Mrs. Kizito to take the school to greater heights



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