School Canteen

School Canteen


Remodeled in 2018, the dining hall was originally built in the 1970\’s. Over the years as the number of students increased it was expanded to what it is now.

Quick Facts
Name – Victoria Kisarale Serunkuuma Hall
Alias – Dining
Built – 1970
Remodeled – 2017
Capacity – 1,800

School Canteen

Corby house, one of the oldest dormitories in Gayaza High School was named after the Headmistress Nancy Corby, who preceded Joan Cox in 1963. She was the last one to be head of Junior School.

Previously Gayaza Junior and Gayaza High School were one school, until 1962 when the secondary section was started with Joan Cox as its first headmistress.

The house has both the junior and senior blocks. The junior block has 8 rooms 2 of which are prefects’ rooms while the senior block has 12 rooms and 1 belongs to the sitting house prefect.

The residents of this house are known as \”Corbians\” with Blue as their theme color.

Corby’s motto is “Forward Ever, Backward Never”.